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With recessionista shopping the new norm and renewal collections a big favorite, learning to get creative with your own wardrobe just makes sense.

Here to help are the Sip n’ Stitch team who promise not only to help you revamp your wardrobe but assess what suits your figure as well as give you some great styling tips.

So far so deadly? Tell us more you ask?

Well, no sewing machine? No worries. The focus of the six week course is on hand sewing and embellishments rather than technical machine work.

The course moves from revamping tops and dresses to a jacket overhaul and it doesn’t stop at clothes. The final week looks at hair accessories as well as bags and other bits and bobs. The team suggest bringing anything from runners to old curtains to help recreate your wardrobe. The potential seems never ending.

Alongside your wardrobe revamp, each week has a particular lesson from basic stitches during the first classes to ways to use elements such as cuffs, sleeves and pockets in a different way, towards the end of the course.

On top of all this the course will give you the opportunity to swap clothes and get to know new faces in a ‘boutique style’ setting all while sipping a glass of wine

Free drinks eh? Where do we sign up?

The course begins on Wednesday the 22nd at Om Diva Loft, Georges Street Arcade from 6.45 – 8.30pm at a cost of E108.

Places are sure to fill up quickly so to secure yours or to find out more information, give the team a call on 01 6791211. You can also check out their Facebook page here.

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